Delete an Inventory Allocation

Only inactive inventory allocations can be deleted. An inventory allocation that has been assigned to an active offer cannot be deleted.  Once an inventory allocation has been deleted it cannot be restored.


Delete an inventory allocation

  1. Go to the Offers menu in the Sales sidebar and click Inventory Allocations.
  2. Click the search icon and type the name of the inactive inventory allocation to delete.
  3. Click the inventory allocation's 3 dot menu and select Delete.

    If the "Delete" option is unavailable it means the inventory allocation is active and cannot be deleted.  

  4. Click Delete to confirm the deletion.                                                      Ia_delete_confirmation.png


Delete multiple Inventory Allocations

  1. Go to the Offers menu in the Sales sidebar and click Inventory Allocations.
  2. Select the inactive inventory allocations to delete in the Bamboo ID column..  IA_check_boxes.png
  3. Click Actions.                                                                                                                    IA_check_boxes.png
  4. Select Delete.
  5. Click Delete to confirm the deletion.                                                                      Multiple_IA_delete_confirmation.png