To effectively sell your products to your accounts, the first step is to create an inventory allocation. Inventory allocations establish inventory levels and limits for the products you plan to sell for a specified period. Inventory Allocations are required before creating offers and campaigns.
Helpful tip: The delivery date of your Purchase Order (PO) is set as the next available date within the Inventory Allocation (IA) period, based on the preferred departure day set for the client.
To add days to the delivery date, simply set your IA period based on your expected delivery date range. As an example, some clients set their IA start date a week or 2 later than the campaign to pad the delivery dates by 7 or 14 days, etc.
Inventory Allocation period: January 14th to January 20th
Campaign period: January 1st to January 7th
(This will pad the delivery dates by 7 days).
Before you begin
An inventory allocation sets inventory levels and limits for products that will be sold during a specified period, meaning products must be added before they can be added to an inventory allocation.
Create an inventory allocation
- Go to the Offers menu in the Sales sidebar and click Inventory Allocations.
- Click Add.
- The Add Inventory Allocation pop-up window will open.
- The Add Inventory Allocation pop-up window will open.
- Type the inventory allocation name in the Inventory Allocation Name field.
- Click the Inventory Period From field and select the inventory allocation period.
The inventory allocation period can be edited as needed after the inventory allocation has been created.
- Click Confirm to create the inventory allocation.
You will be taken to the inventory allocation's detail page to add products and set inventory levels and limits for the added products.
Add products to the inventory allocation
An inventory allocation consists of sections with different products added to each section. Sections group your products.
Click Add Section to add an inventory allocation section.
The Add Section pop-up window will open.
- Type a name for the section in the Section Name field.
If a name is not entered, the section name will default to the name of the categories selected to add to the section.
Section names appear on the live Offer Menu and are visible to clients when they access the menu to place orders so it is essential that sections are appropriately named.
Click the Choose Product Categories drop-down and select the categories to add to the section.
When a category is selected, all products within that category will automatically be added to the inventory allocation section. Multiple categories can be added to an inventory allocation section.
Click the optional Choose Brands drop-down to choose specific brands from the selected categories.
If specific brands are not selected, all brands from the selected categories will be included in the inventory allocation section.
Click the optional Choose Strains drop-down to choose specific strains from the selected categories.
If specific strains are not selected, then all strains from the selected categories will be included in the inventory allocation section.
Click Confirm to add the section to the inventory allocation.
All added categories and products within those categories are listed in the section's Categories & Products column.
The Qty For Sale column is pulled directly from Trace and is the actual, physical in-stock product quantity.
If you are not currently using Bamboo Trace the Qty For Sale column will show 0 quantities.
If you are using Bamboo Trace, the Qty For Sale information can be used to let you know which products are out of stock and can be taken into account when entering your inventory allocation levels in the Qty By Unit column.
Type the product quantities to allocate in the Qty By Unit column.
If the quantity by unit is the same for all products in a category, type the quantity in the Autofill box to auto-populate the quantity fields for each product in that category. For Made to Order products, you can enter an MSW (Maximum Sellable Weight) per Strain. If a maximum sellable weight is set, any product of that strain will be available until the total Maximum Sellable Weight has been reached.
Type an optional order limit quantity for each product in the Order Limit column.
If an order limit is set, it cannot be exceeded by clients when placing orders.
Assign sales reps to the inventory allocation
Click + Assigned Sales Reps to assign sales representatives to the Inventory Allocation.
Assigning one or more Sales Reps to the Inventory Allocation means that the inventory allocation will only be available to the assigned Sales Reps. If no Sales Reps are assigned, the inventory allocation will be available to all Sales Reps. Sales reps must be added as users in Portal to be available for selection.
Click the Choose Sales Reps drop-down and select the sales reps to assign to the inventory allocation.
- Click Confirm to assign the selected sales reps.
Activate the inventory allocation
Click the Turn on to activate toggle to activate the inventory allocation.
- When the inventory allocation is active, it will available for selection when creating offers. Inactive inventory allocations will not be available for selection when creating offers. Inventory allocations become locked and cannot be edited when they are being used in an active offer. To unlock an inventory allocation being used in an active offer(s), the corresponding offer(s) must first be placed on hold.
- When the inventory allocation is active, it will available for selection when creating offers. Inactive inventory allocations will not be available for selection when creating offers. Inventory allocations become locked and cannot be edited when they are being used in an active offer. To unlock an inventory allocation being used in an active offer(s), the corresponding offer(s) must first be placed on hold.