Manage Disposals

All items selected for destruction, ready for destruction, or that have undergone final destruction will appear on the Disposal page including harvest waste, daily waste, green waste, and conversion waste.  After items have been selected for destruction, they must remain in a required quarantine period for 72 hours after which they can be destroyed and reported to the relevant state traceability system.  The required disposal labels can be printed and green waste can be reported from the Disposal page.


The disposal page consists of three tabs                                                                                                    Screenshot_2023-01-30_at_11.51.48_AM.png

  • Scheduled for Destruction tab - all items that have been selected for destruction throughout Trace by selecting "Destroy" appear on this tab.  Items selected for destruction remain on this tab for a required period of three days unless a different time period is required by your state's traceability system. To print labels for any items on this tab, select the items(s) and click Print Label.
  • Ready for Destruction tab - all items that have passed the required three-day quarantine period and are ready to be marked as destroyed appear on this tab.  To print labels for any items on this tab, select the items(s) and click Print Label.
  • Destroyed - all items that have been destroyed appear on this tab.


Destroy items ready for destruction

  1. Click Disposals in the Trace sidebar.
  2. Click the Ready for Destruction tab.     
  3. Select the items to destroy.                                                                                                          select_dstry.png
  4. Click Actions and select Destroy selected.                                                                                        destroy_selected.png
  5. Click Destroy to confirm the destruction.


Report green waste

  1. Click the Report Green Waste button.                                                                                          grn_waste.png
  2. Type the green waste weight in the Weight field.                                                                                 wght.png
  3. Click the Date field and select the date the green waste was reported then click OK.                  date.png
  4. Click the Reason drop-down and select the reason for the green waste.                                       reason.png
  5. Click the Disposal Room drop-down and select the disposal room for the green waste.    disposal_rm.png
  6. Click Finish to finalize reporting the green waste.                                                                              finish.png